Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daily Goals For Weight Loss Health Fitness

Last night, a crew of Best Body Bootcamp members came together on Twitter to chat about goals. Why? Well, because I don?t want BBB to be another weight loss challenge or simply a workout plan to follow. It can be used to motivate people in that way, but that?s not my intention with the plan.

My intention is to provide fun workouts, an inspiring support group, and the flexibility to realize YOU CAN MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES. I don?t expect perfection. I simply expect giving your best to reach a healthier, balanced, whole self. For that reason BBB not only emphasizes a flexible plan you can make work for your personal needs to get and stay active, but also choosing additional weekly goals to bring about other healthier habits.

Why? Because I believe the first step to reaching any goal is to determine the main goal and then what I like to call the action steps to get there.

Once you know your overall goal, it?s important to sit down and list out everything you can possibly do to reach that goal. The specific steps you can take to move in a positive direction. Preferably, things you can do daily to make an impact.

Many participants of Best Body Bootcamp have a desire to live healthier lifestyles. Some may have goals to get to a healthier weight and some may simply want to follow through on a plan and see what progress it leads them. Some may have struggles with giving up a negative habit that is detrimental to their happiness and some may simply need a reminder to take small steps to better care for their health. We all have room for improvement and goals we may need to set for our health. I wanted to take this time to share with you some of the wonderful action steps seen in this round of Best Body Bootcamp. The participants are inspiring and I hope they inspire you to consider the action steps you can take as well.

25 Things To Do Today For Healthier Lifestyle

  1. Workout in the morning, before I have the chance to let the day?s schedule deter me.
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast including whole grains, fruit, and some protein.
  3. Walk for 30 minutes at least 5 times per week.
  4. Eat fruit or vegetables with every meal.
  5. 64-100 ounces of water every day
  6. Going to bed by 10 pm to get 8 hours of sleep per night.
  7. Track/log food daily to learn proper portion sizes and a healthy calorie intake for my body.
  8. Limit the amount of processed foods in my diet to only X item/s per day.?
  9. Eat some protein with every meal/snack.
  10. Floss daily.
  11. Stretching after each workout.
  12. Take my vitamins daily.
  13. Take a 10-15 minute break during the day for relaxation/prayer/meditation/calming thoughts.
  14. Write at least one positive thought about myself in a journal every morning and every evening.
  15. Write at least three things I?m thankful for every day.
  16. Do something active with my kids daily ? walks, playing outside, tickle matches on the floor.
  17. Turn off and unplug from technology (computers, phones, etc) after 5 pm to spend time with family/friends.
  18. Send a positive note or give a compliment to at least one person a day.
  19. Check in daily with my accountability partner.
  20. Prep my food, workout gear, etc the night before so I have no excuses the next day.
  21. Meal plan and pack my lunches for work.
  22. Don?t eat in front of computer or TV to avoid mindless snacking.
  23. Leave 10 minutes early to avoid stress.
  24. Have a cup of herbal tea instead of wine at night, at least 5 nights out of the week.
  25. Log at least 8,000 steps per day.

These are not necessarily goals I?m saying you have to work towards to be healthy. I solely wanted to share some ideas to hopefully spark something in you to make steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Think about your goals and a small step you can take. It?s often easier to approach smaller tasks and will help it become a lifestyle change. Begin by taking one small action today.

Do you believe in finding success in smaller actions? What?s a daily goal you can make?

Best Body Bootcamp Best Body Online Personal Training

Register now for Round 5 Best Body Bootcamp

BBB is a flexible 8 week workout program to challenge you at YOUR fitness level. Join for new workouts, motivation, cash prizes and fun! Starts April 1.


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