Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nuzlocke Important Information (MUST READ)

General Nuzlocke Deatails...

If you are unaware of what exactly a "Nuzlocke Run" is I will be glad to tell you
1. You may only catch one Pokemon per area of the game.
2. If a pokemon faints, It is dead and may never be used again.
3. You may not catch more than one of the same species of pokemon.
4. All pokemon must be nicknamed.

I urge you to look up nuzloke comics. They are very enjoyable. I recomend Petty's nuzlocke as well as the original "Pokemon Hard-Mode"

General Storyline:
Red has retired to Evergrande City. His Pokemon have all been killed except for Pikachu. He teaches in a University there, teaching history. One day a number of his best students get together and decide that his lessons are too important to ignore, and choose to help fix the problem plaguing the Kanto Region. The students come from all over the world. Most from Hoenn, but many travelled from Johto, Sinnoh, and Unova. None are from Kanto.

They ask Red to help them get to Kanto to investigate the mystery, as well as a powerful pseudo monarch named Daimon. I will not divulgeany more aspects of the story just yet.

See me as the announcer from any Pokemon game. The text that reads "Congratulations.... or Youve recieved the ... badge" I wll be filling that role.

Starting Pokemon:
Every character will start with at least three pokemon including your starter. You may have any Pokemon from the region your OC was born in. This obviously excludes Leendaries. The maximum starting level of any pokemon is 30. You will level up during the roleplay. Starters include any starter you could get from that particular region. Ralts, Pikachu, and Eevee may not be starters. Starters will be first come first served, if you miss your favorite starter, bad luck, pick another. No shinies at the start. I will give a list of Off Limits pokemon until later on in the Roleplay, to keep everthing paced I dont want you to have too many powerful pokemon yet. You will be able to get these pokemon later.

Off Limits For EVER:
Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno
Lugia, Ho-Oh, Entei, Suicune, Raiku, Celebi
Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Regice, Registeel, Regirock, Deoxys, Jirachi, Latios, Latias
Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Cryselia, Darkrai, Heatran, Regigigas, Manaphy, Shaymin, Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf, Rotom, Arceus, Phione
Victini, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thunderus, Landorus, Keldeo, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Meloetta, Genesect, Zorua, Zoroark

Off Limits for now.
Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, Lapras
Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar,
Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence, Beldum, Metang, Metagross
Spiritomb, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Deino, Zweilous, Hydregion

You will all lose pokemon. Dont be upset with me or anyone else, Its a nuzlocke, Itll happen. Heres how its going to happen.
1. You get to a part in the story where I think its time for someone to die.
2. I'll post a narration, stalling posts concerning this character until the Roleplayer and discuss things.
3. I'll Pm you asking "Pick one or Pick half" This means you pick one Pokemon for me to kill, or you pick half of your team to be granted immunity and I choose who dies from the rest of your team. If you have an odd number of pokemon you get to pick the majority.
Ex. You have five, I Pm you. You get to pick three to save or one to die.
4. I post, killing your pokemon.
5. you post. We all go on our merry way, and your chacter gets to mourn.

At certain points I will kill more than one of your pokemon. Not often. Only in very imporant battles. Everything will go the same, except you will post in between the death posts switching out your pokemon so the next one to die is out in the battle.

Dont worry, I wont go power hungry and kill a pokemon every twenty minutes. I will base deaths on the trainers age, skill, personality, and strategy.

When battles occur that will directly affect the story I will post a stalling post, and in the OOC im going to tell you who is going to win the battle. This is to avoid the potential godmodding pokemon battles sometimes offer. Remember, this is only going to happen in important battles. Again, Im not power hungry, just trying to maintain my story and keep everything fair. Again, these wins will depend on my judgement of the players strategy, personality, and skill with their pokemon. Remember, you can lose a battle without losing pokemon. Running away is a very viable option.

Hms do not take up a move spot if your pokemon could physically do the action without the move. Ex. Scyther may use cut, Lapras may use surf, and Fearow may use fly without the Hm, but cant attack with it.

All Items are fair game. You may use any item the games offer. Hold Items, potions, status healers, berries... anything you can potentially find in game can be used.

T.Ms are fair as well, just Pm me and ask me for a Tm. Ill pick one that could benifit your team and place it in the general location of your character. Dont ask me for a specific Tm. I will give you one of my choosing. Dont worry, I wont screw you.

Kanto is in shambles, so the PokeMarts dont exist anymore.

Random Pokemon Encounters:
Every so often I will decide to drop a special pokemon into the game. think of it as an "Event Pokemon."
When I do this I will post a Narration. "A "Blank" has Appeared on cycling road." Once i do, everyone should post a number from 1-15 in the OOC. Whoever is the closest to a number I pick without going over will have th chance to catch it.
These pokemon will be specia in many ways. Many will be shiny. Many will have very powerful moves that the pokemon may not usually be able to get. Some will be very rare, maybe another starter for example? An Example- "A shiny Lapras has appeared. There have been reports of it using the move Hydro Cannon."

Because this is a Nuzlocke each Character may only catch one Pokemon per area, and will not be allowed to catch the same one again. I wont deny you a pokemon you want as long as you post that you threw a ball at it. I will post a Narration. "Congratulations So and so has caught a Rattata" Ask me if you arent sure what pokemon are in your area.

I'll read your posts and tell you when I think your Pokemon has leveled up. I will post a narration. "Congratulations so and so has grown to level 16"
Feel free to post that you had a grinding session in some area, but if you do you cant post for a few hours, and wont be able to have another grinding session for a few days. I will gauge how many levels your team grew based on your location, your pokemon levels, your pokemon type, and the amount of time you spent there. So if you spend 3 hours in Viridian Forest ill post. "Congratulations So and so's team has grown two levels." 3 hours minus one because Viridian forest is weak. If your pokemon are more than twenty levels above the pokemon on a route you may not grind there.

When you reach the evolution level of a pokemon feel free to evolve it. If you find a stone, feel free to evolve. I will tell you when I think youve spent enough time with your pokemon for it to evolve from happiness, as well as when to hatch an egg.

If you have a bird pokemon you may use Fly, but as in the games, you may only fly to somewhere youve been before. If you have a Water pokemon, you may surf, or if youve taught Surf to a pokemon you may surf.

Pokemon can only have up to four moves. Simple

Character Profiles:
Fill them out as youd like. I just require a picture, age, name, history, and personality.
When writing in your pokemon I want it like so.

Picture of pokemon.
Name- "Nickname"
hold item

For Pokemon pictures use these Links and find your Pokemon. Just hover over the picture and then click on "img code"
Kanto Pokemon Johto Pokemon Hoenn Pokemon Sinnoh Pokemon Unova Pokemon

*All Sprites Credited to DriftingPillow for usin her Photobucket Account.*

Thats all for now. If I missed something vital, let me know and Ill fix it.


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